State of the Vine

State of the Vine

Unique white wine of the week: Moldovan Blanc de Cabernet

Albastrele Blanc de Cabernet 2015 is my pick for a unique white wine of the week. It's from Moldova and it is one of my favorites from the past year- one of the most unique and notable in my book! This is a white wine made with red grapes! How is this possible?

Red wines get their color from letting the dark grape skins sit with the juice of the grapes, which is white. If the grape skins are removed after being gently pressed, almost immediately, the resulting color is that of a white wine, not a red.

This wine is medium bodied and has notes of passion fruit and pineapple, and lemon, and on the nose, blades of grass. It is different than any wine I have ever tried and I love it.

Moldova has been making wine for the last 2,000 years and the climate is influenced by the Black Sea and its hilly landscape. Wine was a key export of Moldova during the 15th century, under Stephen the Great, who helped the country develop better quality wines. The wines here were also thought to be influenced by the Greeks and Romans, as were the wines in much of Europe.

You can find this wine at Whole Foods in Arlington, Screwtop Wine Bar and Northside Social. It's about $13 a bottle.

Did you know two of the main grapes used to make Champagne, Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir are also red grapes?! Cheers!

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